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Fox and the city
This all started out as a silly idea I had years ago. I wasn't really into furry but I liked some aspects of it. The idea was a red fox named Kit Kitsuna and her friend a rabbit known as Angie. Kit would have a very big fear of wolves, and Angie was afraid of about everything. The first draft was bad, and it just didn't feel right so I turned Angie into Kit's foil. Kit was a red fox so I turned Angie into a grey that is a bit on the wild side but she still cares for Kit the most.
I started a story with one of Kit's sister's that was going to be longer than a few pages. It developed farther. Beth was just a one off character about a former psychologist that helped people but was so drunk she gave them bad advice. Vicky was just a country girl that wanted to leave the country.
You can find all the old stories at inkbunny.net http://inkbunny.net/joshp1